American Girl® Dolls


The Kirkland Town Library American Girl® Collection is a collaborative effort involving the Kirkland Town Library, the Clinton Historical Society, the Clinton Courier and the Kirkland Art Center. Our goal is to provide our community with a unique way to explore historical periods.

Each doll circulates with, among other things, a booklet depicting life in Clinton during the doll’s era. So when a patron borrows a doll, they also borrow a piece of local history too!
Each doll can be checked out for one week.













Meet Addy


Addy’s Reading List

Addy’s History Cards

Sponsored by Barbara Owens/Hunt Real Estate


Meet Caroline


Caroline’s Reading List

Caroline’s History Cards

Sponsored by Hamilton College


Meet Claudie


Claudie’s Reading List

Claudie’s History Cards

Sponsored by Natalie Brown

Meet Felicity


Felicity’s Reading List

Felicity’s History Cards

Sponsored by The Friends of The Kirkland Town Library


Meet Julie


Julie’s Reading List

Julie’s History Cards

Sponsored by Almost Local


Meet Kaya


Kaya’s Reading List

Kaya’s History Cards

Sponsored by a gift from the Smallen Family to the American Girl Project

meet Kaya

Meet Kit


Kit’s Reading List

Kit’s History Cards

Sponsored by Schooltown Questers #100


Meet Marie-Grace


Marie-Grace’s Reading List

Marie-Grace’s History Cards


Meet Molly


Molly’s Reading List

Molly’s History Cards

Sponsored by The Clinton Florist


Meet Rebecca


Rebecca’s Reading List

Rebecca’s History Cards

Sponsored by Clinton Teachers Association




Samantha’s History Cards

Samantha’s Reading List

Sponsored by Krizia Martin

meet Samantha


American Girl® Collection FAQ

Where can I borrow a doll?

The dolls are available for checkout at the Kirkland Town Library only.  If the doll you would like is checked out, you can place your name on a request list and we will call you when it’s your turn.  At this time, only patrons of the Kirkland Town Library can sign up to take a doll home, holds cannot be placed on the dolls and they cannot be sent to other libraries. A doll may only be checked out by an a patron 18 years or older


Can I check out more than one doll at a time?

No. The collection is not yet large enough for more than one doll to go home with a single family, or to a single household. We hope to increase the size of the collection to be able to allow more lending flexibility.


What is the borrowing period?

One week (7 days) with no renewals


Are there overdue fines for late returns?

Yes, late fee charges will be applied for overdue returns. In addition, the full cost of the dolls, traveling case and accessories will be charged for lost or damaged dolls.


Where do I return my doll?

Dolls must be returned to the Kirkland Town Library’s Checkout/Circulation desk. Please do not return the dolls in the Book Return.


What comes in an American Girl® Doll Kit?

Each kit includes:

o 1 doll

o Set of doll clothes

o A doll’s brush

o The first book about the character

o A guide depicting life in Clinton during the doll’s era

o A journal to record the doll’s ongoing adventures

o Folding bed with pillow and blanket

o Carrying case

o A tag listing contents and use guidelines


How do I care for a doll?

Please do:

Gently brush and style your doll’s hair with the provided doll’s brush.

Please do not:

Cut or shampoo or color the doll’s hair (it can get frizzy and damaged).

Wash the doll or her clothes.

Mend her clothes or the doll.


Cleaning the dolls will be done by volunteers upon their return to the library.


Why a journal?

 We hope that you will write a paragraph/draw a picture about the doll’s stay with you. Please use a half page of the journal and date your entry. It will become a book about our dolls adventures.


How is the program funded?

The American Girl® Doll Collection is made possible through the work of a volunteer committee. Thank you to Hamilton College, the Friends of the Library, Clinton Teachers Association and Schooltown Questers, Chapter 100 for their sponsorship of an individual doll.

We welcome donations of any amount for ongoing maintenance, purchase of related materials and programming support. A donation form is available at the library.  Please designate any gifts to the KTL American Girl® Doll Collection.

We also welcome donations of like-new or used-but-in-good-condition American Girl® Dolls, including the historic characters that can no longer be purchased. Dolls received become property of the Kirkland Town Library.

All donations are tax deductible!

Contact the Kirkland Town Library at 315-853-2038 for more information.