
Computer Usage, Internet and
Wireless Access Policy


The Kirkland Town Library (the Library) provides equitable access to resources in a wide variety of formats to meet the cultural, informational, recreational, and educational needs of our community and is committed to offering both print resources and public computers with access to electronic information sources such as the Internet. The Internet is an integral part of the resources available to assist Library users in finding the information they need.

Because the Internet is enormous in its scope, is continuously changing, and is unmonitored by any single agency or authority, the Library is neither responsible nor liable for the content on sites and the accuracy, currency or completeness of the information accessed.  Availability of networked information via Library computers does not constitute the Library’s endorsement of the information.

The Library’s “Rules of Conduct for Library Patrons” and “Safe Child” policies apply to all users of the Library’s computers, internet and/or wireless network.

Parental/Guardian Responsibility

The Library agrees with the view of the American Library Association, as stated in the Library Bill of Rights, that “a person’s right to use a Library should not be denied or abridged because of origin, age, background or views.” Library staff cannot monitor children as they explore the information resources available electronically in the Library. That type of supervision is the right and responsibility of the child’s parent/guardian.


Due to the locations and configurations of the public computers, and the public nature of accessing the Internet in the Library, patrons’ privacy is not ensured.

Restricted/Illegal Activity

Library patrons are expected to comply with all local, state and federal laws while using the Internet. Library policies on the proper use of materials also apply to electronic resources.

Restricted or illegal activities include:

  • Accessing “obscene material,” as defined by state and federal law.
  • Damaging computer equipment or software; degradation of system performance.
  • “Hacking” or alteration or destruction of software configurations.
  • Violation of Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S. Code) or software licensing agreements.
  • Engaging in commercial activities involving on-line financial transactions, which may incur costs to the Library.

Certain copying or distribution of material found on the Internet may infringe on copyright or other intellectual property rights. The Library is not responsible for such infringements.

Failure to adhere to these restrictions and prohibitions may result in the suspension of Internet and/or Library use privileges and could also subject the user to prosecution under local, state, or federal law.

Access/Printing Limits

The Library reserves the right to enforce a time limit per session and the amount of printing. The Library does not guarantee the privacy of materials printed onsite. The Board of Trustees may adjust the charge for printing at any time.


As a member of the Mid York Library system, which is subject to federal CIPA laws, the Internet services available through the Library are configured to filter malicious and illegal content on all computers.  If you believe information you are trying to access has been blocked in error, please see a staff member.  Sole discretion for review and filtering decisions lies with the Director and the Mid York Library System.

Staff Assistance/Oversight

The Library’s staff is available to provide patrons limited assistance in basic computer and internet use as time permits, but may not be able to offer in-depth assistance nor provide extensive personal instruction on-demand.  Library staff may be able to provide assistance to patrons using their own computer, tablets or mobile devices with the understanding that Library staff will work on non-Library equipment only under patron direction and neither the Library nor its staff can be held liable if the patron’s equipment is damaged.

Wireless Access

The Library’s public wireless network is open to anyone, though it is not a secure network and use of the network is entirely at the risk of the user.

The Library assumes no responsibility for the safety of equipment, laptop configurations, security, or data files resulting from trying to connect to the Library’s network.  Furthermore, the Library makes no guarantees as to the compatibility of a patron’s wireless equipment either with the Library’s wireless network, or as to reliability or security of connections to the network or to the Internet.

The Library will not be responsible for any information that is compromised, or for any damage caused to hardware or software due to electric surges, security issues or consequences caused by viruses or hacking.

The Library will not be held responsible for laptops, tablets or other devices left unattended.

Rules of Conduct for Library Patrons


The Board of Trustees of the Kirkland Town Library encourages people of all ages to visit the library. Our goal is that patrons and staff can use library materials, resources and services without being disturbed or impeded by others and can expect a safe environment and facilities maintained in good condition. All patrons and staff of the library are expected to observe and respect the rights of others.

This policy is a high level summary of the Kirkland Town Library rules of conduct. Additional detailed policies exist where necessary, and all policies in total represent the complete rules of conduct for the Kirkland Town Library.

To enjoy the library and allow others the same opportunity, please observe the following:

  • Engage only in activities associated with the use of a public library, i.e. those of an educational, informational or cultural nature
    – Patrons not using the library for reading, studying, using library materials or equipment or attending events may be required to leave the building
  • Keep all valuables and personal property with you at all times. The library is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
  • Supervise children at all times
    – Parents and guardians are responsible for their children’s behavior at the library.
    – Children under the age eight must be supervised while on library premises.
    – Parents and guardians must observe the library’s Safe Child Policy
    – Library staff are not responsible for this supervision
  • Careful use of food and drink is allowed, however the patron is liable for any and all damages caused by food or liquids to any library property
  • Shoes and shirts are required at all times on library premises
  • Comply with library computer policies regarding internet usage
  • Comply with the criteria established for use of individual rooms and library equipment.
  • Please be considerate of other patrons while using cell phones and be aware that the Library is a public space. Please mute ringers or alerts on any electronic devices while on library premises.

To provide a safe and comfortable library environment, the following are NOT PERMITTED:

  • A person cannot interfere with another person’s use of the library
  • A person cannot interfere with a library staff members’ performance of their duties
  • Destruction or theft of library resources, equipment, materials or property
  • Use of tobacco products, e-cigarettes, alcohol or illegal drugs on library premises
  • Weapons of any nature cannot be brought on library premises
  • Violent behavior, abusive or obscene language, intimidation, or physical or sexual harassment on library premises
  • Disorderly, disruptive or boisterous noise on library premises. Conversations should be conducted as quietly as possible
  • Animals belonging to patrons, except working animals assisting the disabled
  • Non-library sponsored sale of products and/or services, and soliciting business or donations from patrons and staff is not permitted on library property
  • Distribution of non-library sponsored surveys, petitions, leaflets, and similar materials unless authorized by the library
  • Sleeping on library premises
  • Bathing or shaving in the restrooms

Role of staff:
To provide and ensure an orderly and pleasant library environment, any staff of the library is authorized to determine whether a library patron is not abiding by these rules and regulations and take the appropriate action, including but not limited to contacting the parent(s) of minors, the Director and/or law enforcement. In addition, any action taken will be filed in a library incident report.

Any patron who violates these rules and regulations may temporarily or permanently be denied the privilege of access to the Kirkland Town Library and its premises.

Appropriate law enforcement authorities will be notified promptly of any unlawful activity.

On the premise of the Kirkland Town Library, all federal, state and local laws and ordinances are applicable.

First adopted on November 19, 1998; revised on May 22, 2003, May 18, 2015, and September 28, 2023. Effective as of September 28, 2023.


Safe Child Policy

The goal of the Board of Trustees and the staff is for children to feel safe and enjoy visiting the library, without interfering with other patrons’ use of library services and facilities. This policy is intended to inform the public and to guide Library staff when they encounter children who are misbehaving or who are unattended. The Library recognizes that such circumstances may have widely varying facts and conditions. The Library staff will exercise sound judgment considering all relevant facts.

The Library requests that parents, legal guardians, caregivers, and custodians (hereafter referred to as “parents/guardians”) consider the safety and well-being of their children and the needs of other library users by cooperating with the following:

1) Parents/guardians, whether or not physically present, are responsible for the safety, behavior and supervision of their children (age 17 and under) at all times on library property. Children are expected to respect the materials in the library and adhere to the Rules of Conduct policy. Parents/guardians will also be responsible for any incidents, accidents, disturbance or damages arising from the actions of their child.

2) The Library does not act in place of parents/guardians (in loco parentis).

3) The Library is not designed or licensed to provide basic childcare needs and should not be viewed as an alternative to daycare or babysitting. Unlike a daycare facility, the Library is not a closed environment. Staff members cannot monitor everyone who enters, and all adult patrons are free to use any public area within the Library.

4) Library staff are available to help and support children. Though staff will always respond with care and concern, they cannot assume responsibility for a child’s safety and comfort, especially when that child is unattended. Please note that staff:

  • do not monitor the arrival or departure of any child from a program or the building.
  • are not obligated to answer phone inquiries regarding children’s locations on library property.
  • will not physically prevent a child from leaving the Library, assume responsibility for a child or accompany an unrelated child off library property.
  • are not responsible for the safety of a child once the Library has closed.
  • are not permitted to transport children.
  • who observe unacceptable behavior will
    • inform the child and the parent/guardian, if present, of this policy; and
    • if such behavior continues, ask the child to leave the Library.
  • will attempt to contact a parent/guardian when an unattended child:
    • is involved in a situation that is potentially harmful to the health or safety of the child and/or others;
    • exhibits behavior that is disruptive to other library users, staff, or the normal operations of library business and that child has been asked to leave the Library; and/or
    • has not been met by a parent/guardian at closing time.

Such situations will be handled on a case-by-case basis. If a parent/guardian cannot be reached, Library staff will contact law enforcement officials to take charge of the situation involving the unattended child.

5) All children age 17 and under who use the Library should have contact information for someone who can assist them if needed.

6) Library Closing (normal business hours, inclement weather or other emergency): If a child age 17 and under is left unattended at the time of closing, staff will attempt to reach a parent/guardian and will wait 10 minutes for the parent/guardian to arrive. If they are unsuccessful in reaching someone or the 10 minutes has passed, the Kirkland Town Police Department will be called to take responsibility for the child. Staff members are not responsible for the safety of a child once the library has closed.

7) The Library assumes no responsibility for the whereabouts of an unattended child and is also not responsible for children outside the building.

8) Parents/guardians and children who are in violation of this policy are subject to suspension of library privileges.

Children under the age of 9

Children under the age of 9 may not be left unattended in the library and must be accompanied by a parent/guardian 14 years or older, with no exceptions including attending library programs. Accompanied is defined as “within sight.” It is strongly recommended that all children are accompanied by someone who can take responsibility should an emergency occur.

If a child in this age group violates the Library Rules of Conduct, the child and the parent/guardian will be informed of this policy. If inappropriate behavior continues, the family may be asked to leave the Library.

If a child in this age group is found unattended, library staff will attempt to locate the parent/guardian in the Library and inform them of this policy. If the parent/guardian cannot be found, the police will be called for assistance to locate the child’s parent/guardian.

Children ages 9-13

Children ages 9-13 who can understand and follow the Rules of Conduct may use the library unattended for an amount of time appropriate to their age and maturity. However the parent/guardian is still responsible for the behavior and wellbeing of the child.

A child may attend a library program alone; however, the parent/guardian must meet that child promptly when the program ends or have made arrangements clear with the child regarding leaving the Library on their own or with a designated caregiver.

Unattended children age 9 and older using inappropriate or disruptive behavior may be asked to leave the library. In such instances, parents/guardians will be contacted or, if the parent/guardian is unavailable, police custody will be utilized. If the same child continues to display inappropriate behavior while at the Library, they may be asked not to return for a specific time frame, or the parent/guardian and child may be required to meet with the Director in order to be allowed back on the premises.

If an unattended child of apparent school age is in the Library during school hours, the Library staff will call the appropriate Clinton Central School and will inform the child that the school will be notified of his or her presence at the Library during school hours.

Teenagers ages 14-17

Teenagers ages 14-17 are expected to follow the Rules of Conduct and are treated as adult users. However, they are still legally the responsibility of their parents/guardians.

FIRST ADOPTED: May 28, 2015
EFFECTIVE as of: December 7, 2023

Community Use of Library Spaces

The Kirkland Town Library provides meeting rooms and other spaces for organizations engaged in educational, cultural, intellectual or charitable activities. In accordance with the American Library Associations’ Library Bill of Rights, facility use is made available to the public “on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting its

Permission to meet at the library does not in any way constitute endorsement of the organization nor its program by the library board or staff. No unwarranted implication that an organization is sponsored or endorsed by the library is permitted.

  1. All Kirkland Town Library and Friends of the Kirkland Town Library related activities will have first priority for the use of the community spaces and take precedence over outside group meetings. The Library reserves the right to move outside groups to a different location on the premises. If a promised space becomes unavailable the Library will endeavor to give reasonable notice.
  2. After the priority users, the community spaces may be used free of charge by nonprofit educational, cultural, religious, political, governmental, and civic organizations that serve the residents of Kirkland for informational purposes, discussion, planning or program presentations. Donations are welcomed and appreciated and help keep the spaces maintained and equipped.
  3. Groups using the community space may not charge admission fees or require donations for participation. Fees may only be requested where such fees cover the cost of materials furnished to participants.
  4. Groups engaged in commercial activities and individuals holding private events may use library space, if available, for an hourly rate determined by the Board of Trustees. Any fees/charges related to programs on the library premises must first be approved by the Library Director. If additional insurance for a specific program is required, as determined by the Library’s insurance agent, the group must produce an insurance certificate before occupying the space. (See application for use of library space form.) Library personnel have access to all areas of the Library at all times.
  5. Spaces cannot be reserved for individual use or tutoring. Library staff will determine if individual or tutor use of community space is possible. Tutors must complete a yearly registration form.
  6. Only adults 18 and older may request use of community space. An adult sponsor or supervisor must submit the request and be present at all times for groups whose membership consists of individuals under the age of 18.
  7. Before using community space, all groups must complete and sign an application form and read and sign a copy of the Library’s Community Use of Library Spaces Policy. All organizations must complete a new form each year.
  8. Meetings should cause no interruption or inconvenience to ongoing library activities. The Library’s Patron Code of Conduct is to be followed at all times.
  9. Adults who attend meetings are responsible for any child(ren) who come with them. Library personnel are not available to oversee children while an adult is in attendance at any meeting in the Library (see Safe Child Policy).
  10. Generally community spaces are only available during the hours that the library is open. Meetings must end fifteen minutes before closing time. Special exceptions must be pre-approved by the Director.
  11. Scheduling of all spaces shall be done by the Library staff on a first come, first serve basis.
  12. Groups must follow fire marshal guidelines on maximum attendance and safety.
  13. No organization may acquire permanent rights to the use of the meeting room.
  14. Smoking and vaping are not allowed in the building nor on Library grounds. There shall be no alcoholic beverages brought to or consumed in the building nor on Library grounds except by prior approval of the Director.
  15. Refreshments are permitted.
  16. The organization is responsible for room setup and clean up. Library staff are not permitted to assist.
  17. The organization is responsible for the condition of the room and returning it to the condition in which it was found. Cleaning fees and or/repair or replacement costs for damaged furnishings or equipment will be charged to the applicant. The Library reserves the right to determine appropriate cleaning, repair or replacement services and systems.
  18. Library board and staff are not responsible for any property left on the premises such as equipment, supplies or materials.
  19. All publicity must list the name of the organization sponsoring the meeting. The Library may not be named as a sponsor or co-sponsor of any event without its written permission. Images of the Library cannot be used without prior written permission.
  20. The Library cannot be listed as the contact for an outside organization using the meeting rooms. Neither the name nor the address of the Library can be used as the official address of any organization or group.
  21. The Library is not responsible for any personal injury resulting from a group’s use of the Library space.

The Board of Trustees and Director reserve the right to refuse use of the facility to any organization that does not abide by this policy.

Approved 1997.  Revised May 22, 2003. Revised and accepted June 25, 2015. Approved on and effective as of May 28, 2024 by the Board of Trustees.

Display Areas Policy

The primary purpose of the bulletin boards, pamphlet racks, and other display areas is to promote Library services and programs, with a secondary purpose of fulfilling the Library’s role as a source of community information. Display of information does not indicate Library endorsement and is based on the provisions of this policy and not on the content, viewpoints, beliefs or affiliations of the organizations that generate such information.

1. Materials to be displayed must be submitted to the Director or designee for consideration. Notices posted without authorization may be removed at the Library’s discretion.

2. Display areas are available according to the following priorities:

  • Town of Kirkland legal or government notices
  • Town of Kirkland non-profit organizations, clubs, schools
  • Town of Kirkland business special events
  • Libraries in the Mid York Library System
  • Area non-profit organizations and clubs
  • Information from outside the local area that might be of interest to the community

3. Due to space limitations and in fairness to all community groups, the Library reserves the right to:

  • restrict the size, number, and location of display materials
  • determine the organization of information
  • limit the frequency with which notices may be posted by the same organization
  • determine the time span during which materials are displayed

4. Postings shall have a name and contact information of the sponsoring agency and/or its authorized representative.

5. The Library assumes no responsibility for the preservation or protection of materials.

6. No organization or individual is permitted to place anything outside on Library property.

7. No organization or individual shall be permitted to place any receptacle on Library grounds which solicits goods or donations except with the permission of the Director.

8. Material promoting personal or commercial products or services may be displayed in a manner determined by the Library.

9. The following materials will not be accepted for posting:

  • Those which endorse or oppose the election of any candidate for public office
  • Those which advocate any affirmative or negative vote on any federal, state or local legislation
  • Petitions
  • Surveys, with the exception of educational projects with the approval of the Director

10. Failure to comply with this policy may result in denial of privileges.

First adopted on March 27, 1997.  Revised and accepted on May 22, 2003, and June 22, 2017. Approved on and effective on June 27, 2024, by the Board of Trustees.

Animals in the Library Policy


The Kirkland Town Library recognizes that patrons with disabilities may have service animals that are trained to assist or accommodate a person with a sensory, mental, or physical disability or to perform tasks for the benefit of a disabled individual. The Library recognizes legal rights under federal and state laws regarding use of service animals. The Library also considers the safety and health of all its patrons, the public, and library staff to be of utmost priority.

Service Animals:
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), service animals are allowed to accompany their handlers into all areas of the library where members of the public are normally allowed to go. The animal may be of any breed, and additionally miniature horses are permitted under the ADA.

The handler is not required to provide documentation about the service animal or to prove a disability. Service animals are not required to be licensed or certified, or to be identified by a special harness, vest or collar. Service animals must be on a leash or harness at all times, unless the use of a leash or harness interferes with the animal’s effective performance of its task. If the animal cannot be leashed or harnessed, it must be under the handler’s control via voice, signals or other effective means at all times. The animal’s handler is solely responsible for the supervision and care of the service animal and must be in full control of the animal at all times. Service animals are not allowed on library furniture or fixtures and must remain on the floor or be carried. Owners must keep the service animal directly with them at all times.

If unsure whether the animal is a service animal, staff are permitted to ask the animal’s handler:

(1) Is this a service animal required because of a disability and
(2) What work or task has the animal been trained to perform?

A staff member ascertaining whether an animal is a service animal will never ask about the nature of a person’s disability.

If it is determined that the animal is not a service animal the patron will be asked to leave and welcomed back into the library without the animal. Misrepresenting an animal as a service animal is a violation of the library’s Patron Code of Conduct, and may result in suspension of library privileges. If the patron refuses to leave library staff will contact the local authorities.

The library may ask a person with a disability to remove their service animal from the library if and only if the animal is out of control or otherwise threatens the health, safety and welfare of staff or patrons and the handler does not take effective action to control it, or if the animal is not housebroken. When there is a legitimate reason to ask that a service animal be removed, staff will offer the person with the disability the opportunity to obtain items and services without the animal’s presence.

Library-Sponsored Programs
The library may choose to offer educational programs for the public that include various animals. Such animals are permitted in the library building for the duration of the program and must be accompanied by the owner or trained handler at all times.

Other animals/pets
Emotional support, therapy, comfort, or companion animals do not qualify as service animals under the ADA.

No pets or animals other than service animals are allowed inside the library. Owners of pets will be asked to remove them from the library. The library does not condone leaving non-service animals outside the library in a way that may endanger the animal or library visitors; cause a disturbance or impede anyone’s progress into or out of the library. The library reserves the right to contact the police regarding any unattended animals on its premises.

Gift Acceptance Policy

This policy provides guidelines to be used in facilitation of gifts made directly to the Kirkland Town Library. The Library appreciates and welcomes gifts which the Library determines help enrich public library services and support the mission of the Library.

All gifts are subject to review by the Library Director, Library Board of Trustees and/or their representative(s) to ensure that the gift meets with the spirit and intention of the Library’s mission. Restricted monetary gifts will be accepted on the condition that the specific use requested is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Library.

Books, CDs, DVDs and other media may be donated to the Library, but the Library’s acceptance of the item does not guarantee it will be added to the collection.

All personal property, art objects, portraits, antiques and other collectibles, if accepted, are accepted only on the condition that they may be kept, sold, given away or discarded at the discretion of the Library Board of Trustees and the Library Director. The Library keeps no record of the final disposition of these gifts.

Gifts in kind will be formally acknowledged for charitable contribution purposes if the donor wishes. The Library will not appraise or estimate the value of gift donations. The responsibility for such assessment lies with the donor, according to IRS regulations.

The Library can accept publicly traded securities. Marketable securities may be transferred to an account maintained at one or more brokerage firms or delivered physically with the transferor’s signature or stock power attached. As a general rule, all marketable securities shall be sold upon receipt. In some cases
marketable securities may be restricted by applicable securities laws; in such instances, the final determination on the acceptance of the restricted securities shall be made by the Library Board of Trustees.

The Library will accept the designation as beneficiary of a retirement plan or life insurance policy. TheLibrary also will accept bequests under wills and trusts with the approval of the Library Board of Trustees.

Library Bill of Rights

The American Library Association affirms that all libraries are forums for information and ideas, and that the following basic policies should guide their services.

I. Books and other library resources should be provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of the community the library serves. Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation.

II. Libraries should provide materials and information presenting all points of view on current and historical issues. Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.

III. Libraries should challenge censorship in the fulfillment of their responsibility to provide information and enlightenment.

IV. Libraries should cooperate with all persons and groups concerned with resisting abridgment of free expression and free access to ideas.

V. A person’s right to use a library should not be denied or abridged because of origin, age, background, or views.

VI. Libraries which make exhibit spaces and meeting rooms available to the public they serve should make such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.

VII. All people, regardless of origin, age, background, or views, possess a right to privacy and confidentiality in their library use. Libraries should advocate for, educate about, and protect people’s privacy, safeguarding all library use data, including personally identifiable information.

Adopted June 19, 1939, by the ALA Council; amended October 14, 1944; June 18, 1948; February 2, 1961; June 27, 1967; January 23, 1980; January 29, 2019. Inclusion of “age” reaffirmed January 23, 1996.


Photography and Recording Policy

The Kirkland Town Library honors state and federal law and policy with respect to photographing, recording, broadcasting, and streaming images of the premises, patrons, and employees while on library property. For the sake of clarity, all such activity is referred to in this policy as “Recording.”

The Library will allow all Recording consistent with its Rules of Conduct for Library Users (available at https://kirklandtownlibrary.org/hours-policies/#rules) and its mission to ensure information access, patron privacy, and library service. The Library reserves the right at all times to refuse any Recording that will negatively impact safety, patron privacy, employee work conditions or library operations.

Based on the Open Meetings Law, Recording is allowed at all meetings of the Library’s Board of Trustees, except for executive sessions. Reasonable restrictions for safety and operational reasons apply.

Adopted April 27, 2023