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7th Annual Point 5k

wednesday, March 26 at 5 p.m.

We heard you! You like being outside in the cold snowy weather so we’ve brought the annual .5K event back to its icy beginning! Join us at the Library to walk, run, showshoe, skate, slide, or stroll one-half of a kilometer (approximately one-third of a mile) around the Village of Clinton. Registration is FREE. To sign up, download and print a registration form, stop at the KTL or register online by clicking here.

Sponsored by Access Federal Credit Union, County Legislator Chad Davis, First Source Federal Credit Union, Strategic, and William Owens & Sons.

Thank You, Stewarts!

Thanks to a gift from Stewart’s Holiday Match, the Library will be able to expand its collection of Wonderbooks and purchase a new toy for imaginative play! Wonderbooks are print books with a ready-to-play audiobook inside. Kids just press play to read along. With a new market stand, kids can pretend they are setting up their own shop, inspiring fun and imaginative play. To learn more about the program, visit www.stewartsshops.com/community-giving.

Coffee Break

Every Wednesday at 2 p.m.

Due to popular demand, we’ll hold our Coffee Break program every Wednesday at 2 p.m. Stop in for a cup of coffee, tea, a snack, and a good conversation. All are welcome.

Tech Help

Saturday hours on hiatus
Wednesdays from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m.
(except April 2 & 9)

Our Saturday Tech Time volunteer has moved out of the area. Until we find a replacement, the Saturday hours are on hold. Instead, please stop by on Wednesdays for Tech Drop-In. Stop in to get help with any questions you may have about your computer, phone, tablet, or other device. No appointment is necessary.

Spring Training Reading Challenge

Get ready for summer reading by participating in a special spring training reading challenge!

Stop in to pick up a reading log and keep track of how much time you spend reading.

Fill in a box for every 30 minutes you read, are read to, or read to someone. You can read books, magazines, or newspapers. Audiobooks count, too.

Every time you’ve filled six bases (read for three hours), stop in the Library for a reward! You can get your rewards anytime before March 27. Plus, you’ll get a raffle ticket for even bigger prizes.

You can fill as many logs as you like during the challenge.

Be sure to return your completed log(s) before March 27 to enter the raffles. The prizes will be on display at the front desk.

raffle prizes

For every six bases you fill in on your reading log, you’ll get a raffle ticket to enter to win some amazing prizes!

  • MacKenzie Gore Bobblehead (pitcher for the Washington Nationals)
  • Baseball Signed by the Kirkland Town Library Staff
  • Base Ball Toss & Catch Game
  • Bookish Bag
  • C.J. Abrams Signed Baseball (short stop for the Washington Nationals)
  • C.J. Abrams Street Wear Bobblehead (short stop for the Washington Nationals)
  • Family pack of four tickets to Syracuse Mets game (includes parking and food voucher)
  • Stadium Snack Basket
  • Vintage Baseball Jersey (size L)
  • Washington Nationals Shirt (size large)
  • Washington Nationals Star Wars Beanie
  • Washington Nationals Tank Top (size XL)

The Anxious Generation Book Talks

A partnership between the Clinton Central School District and the Kirkland Town Library

Books available now; join us on Wednesday, May 7, or Thursday, May 22, at 7 p.m.

This book sheds light on the growing pressures young people face today and offers practical strategies for parents, friends and relatives who want to help them navigate these challenges with confidence and balance. Join us for one of two discussion sessions facilitated by Clinton Central School teachers. Copies of “The Anxious Generation” are available now at the Kirkland Town Library.

Art: The Common Thread

On view in the Bristol Room

Reception on
Thursday, March 27 from 4:30-6:30 p.m.

Join us for a celebration of the visual arts! This exhibit is a collaboration of artwork made by local art teachers and their students in Madison and Oneida Counties. It’s a special celebration of how art connects us all together!