Michelle Reiser-Memmer – Vice President
Board Meetings
Board meetings are open to the public and occur on the date listed below. Meetings start at 6:30 p.m. unless otherwise noted.
The Public is welcome to attend in-person trustee meetings as long as they follow existing library protocols. Should a board meeting be held remotely via Zoom, please contact the library to receive the invitation to the meeting.
2025 Meeting Dates
- January 23 (annual meeting at 6 p.m., followed by the regular meeting at 6:30 p.m.)
- March 27
- April 24
- June 26
- September 25
- October 23
- November/December TBA
Materials for Upcoming Meetings
Bylaws of the Kirkland Town Library
This Association shall be called the Kirkland Town Library Association.
Its objective shall be to maintain a circulating library and such branches in the Town of Kirkland as may seem advisable.
Section 1 Board of Trustees
All governing powers shall be vested in a Board of Trustees numbering at least ten (10) and no more than fifteen (15). Members of the board shall reside, work, have children who attend(ed) Clinton Central School or pay property taxes in the Town of Kirkland. The current number of trustees on the board is thirteen (13).
Section 2 Nominations and Elections
Nominating Committee
The President shall appoint the chairperson of the nominating committee and one additional member at least 3 months prior to the annual meeting.
The nominating committee shall present a slate of candidates to the Board one month prior to the annual meeting
No incumbent officer shall serve on the nominating committee.
The Board shall elect officers and new members at the annual meeting.
Section 3 Terms of Office
Members of the Board shall be elected to three (3) -year terms and at least two (2) Trustees and no more than five (5) Trustees shall be elected each year. No individual shall serve more than three (3) consecutive full terms as a trustee.
Section 4 Vacancies
Vacancies shall be filled by election one month after the nominating committee has presented a slate of candidates to the Board.
Section 1 Titles
Officers of the Board shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.
Section 2 Nominations and Elections
Procedures prescribed in Article III, Section 2, shall be followed.
Section 3 Terms of Office
Officers shall be elected to one-year terms.
Section 4 Vacancies
Following consultation with the Board, the President shall appoint a member of the Board to fill a vacant office.
Section 5 Duties of Officers
The President shall be the chief executive of the Board and an ex-officio member of all committees.
The Vice-President shall assume duties of the President if the President is absent or the office of the President if it becomes vacant.
The Secretary shall record the proceedings of the Board, present at each meeting the minutes for the preceding meeting, and be responsible for all records and correspondence.
The Treasurer shall oversee the receipt and disbursal of the Library’s funds and present a financial report at each meeting.
Section 1 Regular Meetings
At least six regular meetings shall be held per year at a time and day agreed to by the Board.
Section 2 Annual Meeting
The annual meeting shall be held in January.
Section 3 Quorum
One-half of the membership of the Board shall constitute a quorum.
Section 4 Attendance
Members of the Board should notify the President if s/he cannot attend a meeting. If a member misses four meetings in a year, s/he will be asked to resign.
Section 1 Committees of the Board
The following committees shall be committees of the board, each consisting of three or more directors:
- The officers of the Board of Trustees and such additional members as may be appointed from time to time by the President shall constitute the Executive Committee. The appointment shall be made by a majority of the entire board. The Executive Committee shall be authorized to act on behalf of the Board in all matters arising between regularly scheduled meetings of the Board to the restriction that any action taken or authorized by the Executive Committee.
- Finance Committee. The Finance Committee shall prepare and submit to the Board an annual plan proposing receipts and expenditures and shall oversee all financial transactions of the library including investments and all necessary forms to be filed with the IRS.
Section 2 Committees of the corporation
The committees listed in this Section 2 shall be committees of the corporation. No such committee shall have the authority to bind the board. Members of such committees of the corporation, who may be non-trustees, unless otherwise designated below, shall be appointed by the President.
- Facilities Committee. The Facilities Committee shall assess projects for the exterior and interior of the building annually and prioritize the list of projects with expense estimates. The committee shall oversee the maintenance and construction projects of the library building, its furnishings, and grounds.
- Advancement Committee. The Advancement Committee will create and incorporate the development and stewardship functions within the library’s structure and collaborate with the Friends of the Library Committee. It shall assess the long range philanthropic needs of the library. Shall increase visibility and awareness for the library and its programs and services by fostering partnerships with community organizations, local media and other influencers.
- Human Resources Committee. The Human Resources Committee shall oversee personnel policies and terms of employment. The committee will regularly assess the staffing needs of the library and plan to implement those needs.
- Policy Committee. The Policy Committee shall create, implement and maintain policies for the effective governance of the library.
- Friends of the Library Committee. The “Friends of the Library Committee” shall operate to promote outreach, fundraising, and awareness in the Library’s area of service. The Committee shall include members who are non-Board members, the selection and operations of which shall be governed by Committee Rules adopted and revised from time-to-time by the Board.
- Additional Committees. The President, with approval of the Board, may appoint additional ad hoc committees as may be appropriate. Non-Board members may serve on such committees.
Section 1 Appointment
The Board of Trustees shall appoint the Director of the Library.
Section 2 Duties
The Director, under the general oversight of the Board, shall be responsible for operating the Library and its branches. Duties include, but are not limited to, maintaining the collections of the Library; supervising the Library staff; supervising the activities and programs of the Library; maintaining coordination with the Mid-York Library System; and reporting periodically to the Board. The Director shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.
Section 3 Salary and Benefits
The Board shall set the salary of the Director of the Library. Payments shall be made at two-week intervals throughout the year.
The Director shall be entitled to benefits as decided by the Board.
Termination of Employment
Two months’ notice of termination shall be given by either the Board or the Director.
The Director shall appoint employees of the Library, who will work under the direction and the supervision of the Director.
Employee benefits are defined in the Board-approved personnel policy.
Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the conduct of meetings of the Kirkland Town Library Board of Trustees.
Bylaws may be amended by majority vote of the Board after one month’s notice has been given.
Revised by the Board of Trustees; resolution adopted Nov. 10, 2005, March 12, 2009, Feb. 27, 2014, June 22, 2017, Feb. 22, 2018, April 25, 2019, April 27, 2023