NYS DOH Daily Update

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NYSDOH Daily Update

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Have Library Materials at Home?

We want you to keep your good habits going, so please return your materials when you can. Our book drops are open 24/7.

NYSDOH Daily Update

Sign up for email updates from the Dept. of Health.

Books That Make Us Feel Good

Ruth talks about a book that makes her feel good. What books cheer you up? Take a photo or make a video and let us know. Be sure to use #athomewiththektl when you post.

NYSDOH Daily Update

Sign up for email updates from the Dept. of Health.

Take Care of Your Mind, Too

While you are staying home and taking care of your body, don’t forget to care for your mental health, too. This resource from Shine offers numerous resources to help you through this time of fear and uncertainty.

NYSDOH Daily Update

Click here to read more.

It’s Census Time

While you are at home, why not take a minute to complete the 2020 census? Use the link provided in the letter you received. Or, click here.

Have questions? Need help? Send us an email and we’ll be in touch.

We’re Going on a Bear Hunt

Spread some joy to children in Clinton by putting a teddy bear in your window.